About Susan

Susan Martin, the owner of Oasis of Grace Metaphysical Center, is an experienced energy practitioner with unique insight. Over the last twelve years, Susan has traveled the country to gain mastery of multiple healing modalities. She can help you transform and improve all areas of your life. Susan is the mother of two sons and lives in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.


Certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher by Nancy Waspi, owner of Healing Reiki Works in Lake Geneva Wisconsin

Certified Medium by Lillian Sanchez, owner of Who2Hoo center in Itasca IL

Attended multiple energy & angel workshops at MSI Healing Wellness Center taught by Billie Topa Tate (a Mescalero Indian)

Completed Intensive study Program in Sedona AZ as taught by Dr. Sharon Forrest

Has attended multiple energy workshops at The Relax4Life Center in Barrington IL as taught by Neil Harris

Has attended Transformation events regarding the I AM presence taught by Kim Regnitz

Has studied Angels and Soul connection summarized in "Your soul is a Spiritual Healing Master" (a channeled course).

The 5 Principles of Reiki

Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, do not anger

Just for today, be humble

Just for today, be honest

Just for today, be compassionate toward yourself and others


Reiki is linked to a range of physical and emotional health benefits including better sleep, improved mood, and pain relief in published studies. Research suggests Reiki helps the body to return to a state of relaxation, which allows it to potentially better heal from damage brought on by stress, injuries, or disease. 60 minutes, $70


This session is designed for you and family members who are healing from Cancer. Reiki helps facilitates the body's own healing systems by promoting relaxation and deep meditative states that can bring a great sense of balance and peace, helping to alleviate physical discomfort, fear and pain from injection sites and ports. 60 minutes, $80


Each day we are here is a gift. Look forward to getting up in the morning. This is an enhanced Reiki connection with Intuitively guided information and messages. Suggestions of crystals and Essential Oils to support your journey are also revealed. This also includes a message, reminder or confirmation from the Animal Kingdom. 60 minutes, $125

Angel Guided Reiki Sessions

I connect with the Archangels and I’m guided to address any areas that need attention. Allow the angels to infuse a blessing through you. Blessings vary, examples would be words of peace, healing, courage or determination. Afterwards, I will share any messages and guidance that I receive. 60 min, $95

Resonating for Angelic Guidance

Why wouldn't you want to live according to what is in your highest and best interest? Receive one on one support and conversation as you practice feeling connection and resonate with your team of angels for soul guidance. Includes instruction of Energetic Angel Hand Motions. 60 min, $125

Additional Favorites

Energy medicine recognizes the body's energy as a vital living moving force that is the foundation of your well-being. The following sessions were developed by Dr. Sharon Forrest.


Experience the Law of Grace. This energy work varies from client to client. The procedure is always the same, light touch about the head, but each person's experience is unique and based on their individual issue. Inner child issues may arise. Latent physical and emotional traumas may release. Your body may give up toxins. Some find it to be energizing. Can help you to let go of non-desirable habits. You may have a spiritual awakening. There is a different improvement each time. 60 to 90 minutes, $200


The Black Pearl Technique delivers energy to your parasympathetic, sympathetic, and neurovascular systems to promote complete relaxation and rejuvenation. 90 min, $150


Cervical 7 is the last vertebra at the base of the neck. Many times energy settles there. This session releases trapped energy that may be associated with neck, back, arm, shoulder, and leg pain. See what wonders C7 can do! 45 minutes, $100


What goes on in the Mother's life and surroundings while carrying a child in her womb can affect the baby adversely. This includes anoxia and birth traumas. These experiences leave an imprint behind blocking the baby's energy flow. This session can release these energy blockages, that can be carried in adult life, for easier breathing. 60 minutes, $100


While lying on the table, a specific series of touches to the toes is performed, and the body's polarities are balanced by energy movement around the toes, feet, and ankles. This opens up frozen acupuncture points calming the nervous system. This can help reduce pain, enhance sleep and decrease edema. 45 minutes, $75


As an alternative service, I have been given the gift to intuitively see the animals around you. They offer words of inspiration & confirmation. This information can be helpful as you travel life's path.
$20 each message.



November 13, 2022

Heal Your Soul Sunday
125 Lincoln Street, Elkhorn, WI 53121

9:30-11:30 am class.
1) Resonating for Angelic / Soul Guidance, 2) “Angel Awareness” message channeled from Archangel Gabriel in 2015, 3) “Angel Teamwork Attunement” channeled from Archangel Gabriel in 2018 (Teamwork of human and Angelic Realm). $40 for this 2-hour class.

The “Heal Your Soul Sunday” is an all-day event (9:30 am to 9:30 pm). My class is one of many during this event. Find the full event details on Facebook “Heal Your Soul Sunday”.

November 26, 2022

Huge “Small Business” Saturday
Inside Riverside Studio
101 N. Front Street, Rochester WI 53105

10:00 am to 2:00 pm
. Release the hassle and enjoy the holidays this year. Experience C7-VAT (Vibrational Alignment Therapy).

Reduce the effects of the holiday rush, family tensions, and added expense that sometimes comes along with this time of year. Take 20 minutes for yourself, sit quietly in my chair, and let’s get your own body to release stuck energy (more specifically, tension held in the muscles at the base of the neck), to increase strength and joy. Special holiday pricing 20 minutes, $20.

Schedule a time by calling Riverside Studio at 262-332-6700.

Walk-ins are welcome.

Or leave a testimonial

Disclaimer: Healing is not a substitute for medical and/or psychiatric treatment. Please seek advice from a Professional Health Care Provider. Healing is an individual experience and specific results cannot be guaranteed.